What Does the Tour of Nau Visit Blue Mean
Class wait list FAQs
If a class is full, students may request to be placed on a wait list and will be automatically enrolled when a spot becomes available.
Wait lists allow degree seeking students to place themselves on a list if a section's enrollment capacity is already full. When seats become available the process will automatically enroll students from the wait list into that closed class section.
When seats become available in a closed class section, the class remains closed until a process runs that automatically enrolls students from the wait list. The class remains closed until the wait list empties or the enrollment capacity has been met, whichever comes first.
If a student does not meet the criteria to enroll in the class the process will select the next student on the wait list according to their position number.
Students that were on the wait list and were not enrolled will maintain their position number. Students will have an opportunity to be auto-enrolled the next time a seat is made available, if they resolve the issue that prevented them from being auto-enrolled previously.
If the wait list process runs and no students are enrolled, then the class will open and other students will be given the opportunity to enroll (even if there are still students on the wait list that did not meet the criteria to be auto-enrolled).
If there are no students on the wait list, the class will open as usual when seats are made available.
Enrolling on a Wait List works the same as enrolling for an open class. The only difference will be that you need to check "Wait List if Class is Full" at Step 1 in the enrollment process:
Students should use the swap option when they are already enrolled in another section of the class they wish to wait list, or if there is a time conflict with an already enrolled class.
Use the Drop function in your LOUIE Student Center as you would to drop a class you are enrolled in:
Most classes have a wait list with the exception of lectures with zero unit embedded labs (classes where the students received one grade for both the lecture and lab components), co-requisite classes taken in the same term, dynamically dated classes, and most co-convened, cross-listed, or otherwise combined sections.
The wait list option is only available once all seats in a class have been filled and the section closes. When a Class Search is performed to include these closed classes, users will notice a yellow triangle next to classes that have available wait list seats.
Once the wait list capacity has been reached, the wait list feature is unavailable and the blue closed class icon will display next to the section in Class Search.
Students can wait list for up to 9 units at a time within a term. This means that students can be on a wait list for multiple classes, so the total number of units for these classes does not exceed 9. This limit cannot be overridden with any enrollment override or permission number.
Wait listed units do not count toward the student's maximum number of allowable units for a term, as determined by their academic program.
Students can wait list more than one section of the same class; however, a preference cannot be chosen, and the student would be enrolled in the section with the first available seat. Once enrolled in one of the sections, the student will be dropped from all other wait lists for that course.
If you have a hold that blocks enrollment, it will also block you from adding to a wait list. If you have a hold other than one blocking enrollment, you can use the wait list function.
Yes, you will need to obtain the permission number before you enroll on the wait list so it can be entered at the same time you wait list the class.
- Requisites for the class are not met
- Instructor or Department Consent is required
- Negative service indicator (hold) exists on the student's record
- Enrollment appointment has not arrived
- Last day to wait list for classes has passed
- Maximum number of wait listed units has been reached (9 units)
- Already enrolled in that class section
- Already on the wait list for that class section
- Wait list capacity has been met
- Class is not closed
- Not a degree seeking student
The wait list process checks the following items before enrolling wait listed students:
- If requisites for the class are not met
- Repeat rules
- If there is a time conflict
- If unit load has been reached
- If there is a permission number that overrides requisites or consent
Students can use the wait list function if a time conflict exists, but they should use the swap option. The swap will enroll the student into the wait listed class if a seat opens, and drop the student from the other class. If the swap option is not used, the student will never be enrolled into the wait listed class due to the time conflict.
Students may enroll on a wait list after their Enrollment Appointment time or after Open Enrollment has begun.
You can check the date and time of your Enrollment Appointment by logging into LOUIE and looking in the right sidebar for "Enrollment Dates":
The last day to get on a wait list for a class will be 11:59 p.m., one day before the deadline to add or drop classes. Classes will no longer show the Wait List icon if the deadline to Wait List has passed.
The wait list process runs until the last day to add or drop. If you are on a wait list and not enrolled from the wait list on the last day to add/drop; you can no longer be enrolled from the wait list.
See the prior FAQ "What prevents students from adding themselves to a wait list?", which lists all the reasons a student may not be able to add to a particular wait list.
Yes – when you add yourself to a wait list via Self-Service Enrollment, you will be given your position number at that time.
If classes have a reserve capacity, and the only open seats are restricted, students who do not meet the reserve capacity can get on a wait list for the class. Students will be auto-enrolled into the class if an un-restricted seat becomes available.
Under "Select Course Status" choose the option "Open & Full w/Waitlist Open", this search will return classes that have a Wait List. You will know that the class has a waitlist if the class is returned with 0 seats open.
In Class Search, the Show Open Classes Only checkbox must be UNCHECKED in order to see full classes that have wait lists available. Once in the Class Search Results page, classes that are full but have a Wait List available are shown with the yellow triangle icon.
Students are encouraged to contact the department who placed the hold onto their account and take the necessary steps to clear the hold (Advising holds need to be directed to academic advisors). If the hold is not removed, the student has a possibility to be dropped from the class or removed from the Wait List.
"Error: You cannot add this class due to a time conflict with class ####. Select another class."
- Students can use the wait list function if a time conflict exists, but they should use the swap option. The swap will enroll the student into the wait listed class if a seat opens, and drop the student from the other class. If you the swap option is not used, the student will never be enrolled into the wait listed class due to the time conflict.
"Error: You are unable to enroll in this class at this time. Available seats are reserved and you do not meet the reserve capacity requirements."
- Some classes that have reserved seat capacities release the seats to all students at a certain point in time. Once those seats are released, students on the wait list will be evaluated to be enrolled into the class. If the student meets all the criteria, they may be enrolled into the class.
"Error: You are already enrolled in the class. Multiple enrollment for the class is not allowed."
- If you are attempting to swap sections of the same course, you need to use the swap function. Multiple enrollment of the same course is not allowed.
"Error: Course previously taken. Enrollment not allowed. You have earned credit for this course with a grade of C or better. Enrollment not allowed without permission. Please contact your advisor for more information."
- If you would like to re-take a course of which you have already earned credit, you need to contact your academic advisor.
"Error: Unable to add the class – requisites have not been met."
- You do not meet the requisites to take this class. If you have transfer credit or test credit, discuss options for receiving a permission number with your academic advisor.
"Error: Unable to add this class – term maximum exceeded. Adding this class would exceed the maximum number of units or courses allowed for this term."
- Students are limited to 19 units per Fall and Spring term. If you meet the requirements and are approved to take more than 19 units, contact your academic advisor for a Unit Load Override form.
"Error: You are unable to add this class at this time. The maximum term wait list unit limit would be exceeded with the change."
- Degree seeking student are limited to wait list 9 units per term. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible to wait list classes.
"Error: You have a hold on your record. The hold on your record must be removed before this transaction can be processed.
- Log into LOUIE and view the holds section of your Student Center to find out what hold(s) you have. All holds that block enrollment activity need to be removed prior to enrolling into classes or onto a wait list.
The wait list process runs every two hours.
No. A Wait List position number is assigned at the time of enrollment and cannot be manually changed. A student's position number will only change as the Wait List process runs or when students remove themselves from the Wait List.
Yes. However, if you do get enrolled off of the wait list, be sure to drop the future term class. If you pass the class in the current term and do not drop the future enrollment, you will not be able to receive credit for the future term class.
Source: https://in.nau.edu/registrar/class-wait-list-faq/
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